
We made it!

Just a quick entry:
Angela and I are at the Holiday Inn ShiFu...we just checked in.  It is 10:03 pm.
Travel was great. I really loved continental!
We are in a perfect room.  Most fo you know that the CHinese either have a twin or a king to choode from.  They only had two twns available so we took it thinking one of us can sleep on the floor. (Since Angela has korean heritage she is used to this)  Anyway--we were so pleasantly surprised to find two "US doubles" in our room.  Enough for four when we come back to GZ in a week.!   God is GREAT!!!
Also- Angela mets me at the airport with the news that
The article 5 is finished and they CCAA will fax the TA!
Prasie God--I am gonna me a new mom tomorrow!!!
Hugs to BIll and the kids back home.  I missed you before i left.
More in the am.  I have not checked the g-mail account yet to see if we have a time yet for Samantha.
Bigs hugs and HIGH 5's all around!!
~~~ Kelly ~~~


Kelly Rumbaugh




  1. PRAISE GOD!!! What Wonderful news to get just getting off the plane. So happy for you Kelly!
    Enjoy your trip!

  2. That is WAY too exciting, Kelly - YEAH!!!! Say hi to Angela for Erinn, too, please!

  3. I can't remember now how I came across your blog, maybe from the Lifeline group or maybe the China Heart group?? Either way I am glad to have found you so that I can follow along on your amazing journey for these two precious daughters. I look forward to reading and praying for you every day.


  4. So exciting! So happy you made it there safely! xoxo

  5. Yippee!! Hugs to you and Angela. Can't wait to see you with your new daughters.

  6. Kelly, that is so so awesome! Congrats, hope your trip goes smooth.

  7. Rejoicing! Can't wait to watch this all unfold.

    Celinda (WCF)

  8. I can't believe you are in China again!! What a crazy process this has been this time. The Holiday Inn Shifu is wonderful!! I LOVED it!! I can't believe you are getting Samantha tomorrow, actually for you it is TODAY!!! I hope everything goes as planned and as well as it can. I can't wait to see pictures!!

  9. God's timing is always 'right on time'!! So glad things are falling into place! Give Angela a squeeze for me. We are praying for you every night - can't wait to see your new daughters standing at your side! Love and a hug! MaryK

  10. Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be flying to CA when you are becoming a Mom...AGAIN!

  11. I am so, so very happy for you - that it has worked out for Samantha.

  12. AMEN sister! So happy for you! God is so good and faithful! Yes HE is mighty to save!

    Much love to you and Angela. Can't wait to hear more!

